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By Thousands
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GSA Building and Maintenance Operations

General Overview

The US General Services Administration has developed a government-wide solution for Federal Strategic Sourcing for Building Maintenance and Operations. This initiative is set aside small business and is chartered under the Federal Governments Chief Acquisition Council (CMLC), which is overseen by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) and is herein referred to as BMO SB.
Building Maintenance and Operations (BMO) strategic sourcing solution is a comprehensive and flexible solution covering all high-demand BMO services. It is an open market, multiple-award, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (MA-IDIQ), government-wide contract vehicle supporting the strategic sourcing initiative to reduce costs and drive efficient purchasing by federal agencies.
BMO Small Business (SB) is designed to address agencies’ need for a comprehensive range of service requirements that covers services relating to building maintenance with the flexibility for various contract types and pricing at the task order level.
BMO received a best-in-class designation by meeting five rigorous category management performance criteria as defined by Office of Management and Budget guidance.
The BMO vehicle is a 10-year contract with one 5-year base and one 5-year option at the parent contract level. Agencies seeking longer than a 5-year task order must request a deviation from their own agency. BMO allows for the following contract types at the task-order level:

  • Fixed price
  • Time and materials
  • Labor hours
  • Hybrid of any of these

The scope of BMO SB spans many areas of expertise and includes the primary services required to provide a total solution to maintain and operate federal buildings and assets. BMO SB are setup to allow agencies the flexibility of purchasing services all-inclusive or individually

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

GSA Building and Maintenance Operations

Federal Supply Service: Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List

Online access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create the electronic delivery order are available through GSA Advantage!, a menu-driven database system at

GCR’s awarded Special Item Numbers (SINs)
  • SIN 561210FAC – Complete Facilities Maintenance and Management
  • SIN ANCILLARY – Ancillary Supplies and Services
  • SIN ANCRA – Ancillary Repairs and Alterations
  • SIN OLM – Order Level Materials
  • Contract #: 47QSHA19D001U
  • SIN ANCILLARY – Ancillary Supplies and Services
  • SIN ANCRA – Ancillary Repairs and Alterations
  • SIN OLM – Order Level Materials
Benefits of Schedules

Ordering activities often ask why they should use GSA Schedules to meet their procurement needs, and what are the benefits of doing so? In this article we will outline some key benefits of using GSA Schedules.
Multiple Award Schedules are multiple award, IDIQ contracts that buyers may leverage for the purchase of commercial products and services. These pre-competed, on-demand contracts are meant to increase the productivity and capacity of acquisition resources and provide quick and easy access to the right industry partners, allowing ordering activities to more efficiently complete the procurement process.
Use of FAR Subpart 8.4 procedures significantly reduces acquisition lead time. Orders can be awarded in days or weeks, rather than months.

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